Same sex marriage shouldn’t be legalized because it clearly says in the Bible that marriage is between a male and female. Genesis 2v21-24, mentions marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and woman. Therefore, a man must leave his parents house to be united with his wife, where they will provide a stable environment for their family (1 Corinthians 7v2-16 and Ephesians 5v23-33). It is clear that men and women were designed to fit together sexually and the only relationship that can fulfill this purpose can only be between that man and woman.
Therefore, why does the entire world perceive same sex marriage and homosexuality as being right in the sight of God? The Bible condemns homosexuality as being immoral and unnatural states Romans 1v18-32; however, the only way to suppress this knowledge as shown by the gay rights movement, is by claiming homosexuality as good and attacking those who oppose it. Romans 1v26-31 couldn’t have given a more accurate verse explaining the sense of the gay community, “Women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones, and likewise men committed shameless acts with men. They were filled with every unrighteous, wickedness, and malice. They are rife with envy, deceit, hostility, haters of God, arrogant, and contrivers of all sorts of evil.”
In conclusion gay marriage is an offense to God; however, those who have sinned against him including homosexuals can ask him for forgiveness. There are also strong arguments against same sex marriage from contexts not even related to the Bible. Therefore, it doesn’t take a Christian to know that marriage is rightfully between a man and woman.
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