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Monday, April 05, 2010

What makes us so insecure? (First Blog)

I can never put my finger on it, but i've always wondered why so many girls young and older have so many insecurities? I find that the girls who are the most insecure are the ones who want to let go and seek so much attention. Don't get me wrong attention is good, I myself love it however; it becomes extreme when we seek attention in the wrong places and from the wrong people. In my years of being a teen i didn't let my insecurities define the person I am though i am not perfect (not even close).

I don't think we should let our insecurities take the best of us! We should over come them and eventually seek out what the good qualities are about ourselves and work on the not so good parts (cautiously).

Insecurtity is NOT a word in my dictionary.. so don't make it yours..


Anonymous said...

wow so many of mi friends act this way. I men sometimes i do want attention and i have looked for it in wrong places that put me in bad places before i am still trying to figure out how to work onmy insecurities!

Nice post Diiva :)
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